The “Set Presenter Notes for Slide” Action

This action is used to set the content of the presenter notes property of a slide.

The Action Information

Input:This action accepts AppleScript references to the slides to be processed. NOTE:
  • If no reference is provided as input, the action will assume the current slide of the frontmost document is the slide to be processed.

  • If a document reference is provided as input, the action will assume the current slide of the referenced document is the slide to be processed.

Output:An AppleScript reference to the processed slide

User-settable parameters include:

  • Added notes can be replace existing notes or be appended to them.

  • The notes to inserted into the slide can be either provided text, or the dynamic result of an Automator workflow variable.


Other actions that often precede this action:

  • Get Specified Slide

  • New Presentation

The Action Interface

The interface for the Set Presenter Notes for Slide action

 1  Append Status checkbox • Select this checkbox if you want to retain any existing slide notes, appending the specified notes to the end of the existing notes. If this checkbox is unchecked, all existing notes will be replaced with the specified notes.

 2  Notes input field • Enter the presenter notes to use in this text field. NOTE: this text input supports the use of Automator workflow variables.

 3  TIP • When the cursor is within the text entry field, typing the Option-Return keys will enter a new line character.