The “Save Document” Action

Delivering essential functionality, the “Save Document” Automator action is used to save open Keynote presentations.

The Action Information

Input:AppleScript reference(s) to the open Keynote document(s) that are to be saved.

(user-selectable) This action returns either:

  • AppleScript references to the saved file(s) on disk

  • AppleScript references to the open Keynote document(s) whose contents were saved


User-settable parameters include:

  • The saving method: to current file, to folder, to folder chosen when workflow is run

  • The reference format for the action results


Other actions that often precede this action:

  • Open Keynote Files

  • Get Specified Document

The Action Interface

The “Save Document” action interface

 1  Saving Destination - This popup menu offers three options for determining the saving method  (⬇ see below ) 

The saving method popup menu

 2  Action Result - This action can return either references to the opened documents, or the saved files  (⬇ see below ) 

The action result popup menu

 3  Destination Folder - If the Saving Destination  1  is set to folder, choose the folder in which to place the copies of the saved Keynote documents.

 4  Saved File Name - If the Saving Destination  1  is set to folder, enter the name for the saved Keynote document file.

 5  Use Current Document Name - If the Saving Destination  1  is set to folder, select this option to use the current name of the Keynote document to be saved as the name of the saved file.

 6  Replace Existing Files - If the Saving Destination  1  is set to folder, select this option to delete any existing copies of the saved document file.

 7  Save Dialog Prompt - If the Saving Destination  1  is set to prompted location, enter the text for the choose file name dialog.