
Lines are a fundamental iWork object and exist in all three iWork applications. In addition to inheriting the properties of iWork items, such as locked and position, lines have the following line-related properties:

The iWork Suite line Class

line  [inh. iWork item ] : A line.


contained by iWork containers such as: slides.


end pointpoint ) : A list of two numbers indicating the horizontal and vertical position of the line ending point.

reflection showingboolean ) : Is the line displaying a reflection?

reflection valueinteger ) : The percentage of reflection of the line, from 0 (none) to 100 (full).

rotationinteger ) : The rotation of the line, in degrees from 0 to 359.

start pointpoint ) : A list of two numbers indicating the horizontal and vertical position of the line starting point.

responds to

delete, exists, make.

Here’s an example script that will overlay a series of lines for positioning an image using the Rule of Thirds:

Once you’ve positioned the image using the grid on lines as guides, run this script to remove all lines from the slide: