
The slide class is a top-level element of the Keynote document. It contains all of the standard iWork item elements (tables. charts, shapes, text items, images, movies, audio clips), and has multiple properties.

The Keynote Suite Slide Class

slide: [inh. iWork container; see also Compatibility Suite] : A slide in a presentation document.


contains audio clips, charts, iWork items, lines, movies, shapes, tables, text items; contained by document.


base slidemaster slide ) : The master slide this slide is based upon.

body showingboolean ) : Is the default body text item visible on the slide?

default body itemtext item r/o ) : The default text item container for the body text of the slide. Its visibility is determined by the value of the body showing property.

default title itemtext item r/o ) : The default text item container for the title text of the slide. Its visibility is determined by the value of the title showing property.

presenter notesrich text ) : The presenter notes for the slide.

skippedboolean ) : Is the slide skipped?

slide numberinteger r/o ) : The index of the slide from the beginning of the document. Note: skipped slides have a slide number value of -1. Un-skipped slides have a positive slide number value.

title showingboolean ) : Is the default title text item visible on the slide?

transition propertiestransition settings ) : A list of key/value pairs for the properties of the slide’s transition.

responds to

delete, exists, make, move, duplicate

When writing scripts targeting slides, it is important to note the document property current slide, which provides a generic means for referring to the slide that is currently selected in the document interface:

The Keynote Suite Document Class (Excerpt)

document: [see also Standard Suite, Compatibility Suite] : The Keynote document. syn presentation


current slideslide r/o ) : The currently selected slide, or the slide that would display if the presentation were to be started.