The “Set Skipped for Slide” Action

This action sets the value of the skipped property for slides referenced as input to the action.

The Action Information

Input:This action accepts AppleScript references to the slides to be processed. NOTE:
  • If no reference is provided as input, the action will assume the current slide of the frontmost document is the slide to be processed.

  • If a document reference is provided as input, the action will assume the current slide of the referenced document is the slide to be processed.

Output:An AppleScript reference to the processed slide

User-settable parameters include:

  • Setting the skipped status of the specified slide


Other actions that often precede this action:

  • Get Specified Slide

The Action Interface

The interface for the Set Skipped for Slide action

 1  Skipped Status menu • A popup menu with two menu options: skipped or not skipped  (⬇ see below ) 
