Keynote Documents

The document class is a top-level element of the Keynote application. It contains slide and master slide elements, and has multiple properties.

The Keynote Suite Document Class

document: [see also Standard Suite, Compatibility Suite] : The Keynote document. syn presentation


contains slides, master slides.; contained by application.


auto loopboolean ) : When this property’s value is set to true, the slideshow will play repeatedly.

auto playboolean ) : When this property’s value is set to true, the slideshow will play when it is opened.

auto restartboolean ) : When this property’s value is set to true, the playing slideshow will start over, if the idle time, indicated by the maximum idle duration property, is reached.

current slideslide ) : The currently selected slide, or the slide that would display if the presentation were to be started. As of Keynote 7.1 you can set the value of the current slide property.

document themetheme ) : The theme assigned to the document.

heightinteger ) : The height of the document (in points). Standard slide height = 768. Widescreen slide height = 1080.

maximum idle durationinteger ) : The time (in minutes) before restarting the presentation. This property is implemented only if the value of the auto restart property is true.

slide numbers showingboolean ) : Are the slide numbers displayed on the slide?

widthinteger ) : The width of the document (in points). Standard slide width = 1024. Widescreen slide width = 1920.

responds to

delete, exists, export, make, start, stop, show next, show previous, show slide switcher, cancel slide switcher, accept slide switcher.