
The cell is a fundamental element, providing the building-blocks that are combined to create rows, columns, and tables. As with rows and columns, the cell inherits the properties of the range class, including those that provide styling and formatting.

The properties unique to the cell class are: column, row, and value. The value of the row and column properties are references to the row or column that contains the cell. The value of the value property is the contents of the cell, expressed in a number, text, date, or true/false format.

cell[ inherits range ]: A cell in a table.


contained by ranges.


columncolumn, r/o ) : The cell’s parent column.

nametext, r/o ) : The cell’s coordinates. ex: "C3").

rowrow, r/o ) : The cell’s parent row.

valuenumber, date, text, or boolean ) : The cell’s value.

The combination of the cell’s inherited and unique properties provides the mechanism for accomplishing interesting applications, such as highlighting the intersection of a selected cell.

Parent Elements

This script, based upon the script template provided on the table editing page, uses both the unique and inherited properties of a cell, to style an existing table, so that a specific cell or cells are highlighted as an intersection.

To use the script, simply select one or more contiguous cells, and run the script. The parent rows and columns of the selected cells will be colorized.


TIP: use the Table to Image script to save the table as an image file to share the highlighted table with others.