Selecting Rows

Table rows are selectable using the selection range property of a table. The following information is from the range section of this website.

Row Reference

To target a whole single row, use the value of the row name or index properties to address the range of cells contained by the row. You can also use a relative postion identifier to target a specific row, such as the last row.

tell thisTable
 set the selection range to row "5"
end tell


Multiple Rows

To target a multiple contiguous rows, use the opposing corners technique, referencing the two corner cells by their relative position in their rows.

tell thisTable
 set thisRangeName to ¬
 ((name of first cell of row "4") & ":" & (name of last cell of row "6"))
 set the selection range to range thisRangeName
end tell

You can also create a range for a contiguous group of full rows by using their names, like this:

tell thisTable
 set thisRangeName to "4:6"
 set the selection range to range thisRangeName
end tell
